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April O'Neil? But today, it's more like April O'Kneel! In a few minutes in the beginning, you'll know why - and of course the most prominent heorine of the comedy will be the well-known reporter in a yellow jumpsuit (as you might see her in the early 90's cartoons about the adventures of teenage mutant ninja turtles) but the circumstances have changed - this time April will have to contend with two giant mutants by herself! By calling them massive, they aren't talking about their size or strength... Simply follow the story, meet the familiar characters and discover that a great reporter must be able of turning any situation that is not good into great news story! It's the kind of news which can be only shown at a late hours, and only to adults.














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Adobe Flash Games

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Play the best sex game now. Why wait? It's cost-free!

Tags: hentai, browser, sex, porn
Categories: HTML5 Browser Games
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